Mandarin Craft Festival

United Methodist Women's

34th Annual Craft Festival

Saturday, October 5, 2024

All handcrafted items!

Our successful event has been existence for 34 years and our crafters say it’s one of the best and most enjoyable shows. Our festival has 100 plus crafters, clothing, jewelry, concessions, seasonal gifts and features a bake shop, country store, children’s shop, and booth sitters for our crafters. If interested, please contact Fran Snyder. We fill up quickly so please do not delay. All proceeds promote missions. We love your furry friends, but not at the festival.

Volunteer Opportunities

Bakeshop & Pricing

Volunteers will price and bag baked items provided by church members on Friday at 9:00 AM.


Bake Shop volunteers will dress the tables, set out trays of desserts with like items together, assist with sales, bag the items and give appropriate change. Also, replenish items on trays and clean up at closing. The shop hours are 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM (usually sells out early) with two hour shifts.

Children's Shop

Several positions are available; cashier, door person, shopper and wrapper. The cashier will add up the children’s purchases and take payment after the items have been wrapped with tissue paper, placed in a Christmas bag and tagged by the wrapper.  The door person assists the child and parent with their list and manages the door because only children shop (NO adults are allowed signs indicate so). The shopper will assist the children with shopping and stays with them until their purchase is complete and is returned to their parent. Hours are 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM with two hour shifts.

Gym Concessions

Volunteers will prep food, cook, take orders and sell menu items. Hours 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM with two – three hour shifts

Country Store

Volunteers will price and set out items made by church members, assist shoppers, collect payment and pack up at closing. Hours 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM with two hour shifts.

Parking Lot Attendants

Assist setting up the parking lot from 9:00 – 11:00 AM on Friday prior to the festival and on Saturday direct customers where to park. Shifts 8:00 – 11:00 AM and 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM on Saturday.

Red Aprons

Also known as a Booth Sitter. Their duties are to assist mainly the crafters but also our shoppers. For the crafters, we assist by providing bottled water, making change for larger bills and sit in their booth for breaks. For our customers, we provide greetings and directions all while wearing our red aprons. Hours are 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM with two hour shifts.

Wesley Hall Kitchen

Prep food, grill meats, prepare sandwiches and clean up. Hours 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM with three hour shifts.

We appreciate your interest in volunteering and because of you, our festival is a successful event each year.

Volunteer Opportunities

On Sundays September 19th and September 26th, after both services, we will have a volunteer sign up table or you can contact Darlene Carter at We are looking for volunteers for the following areas:

  • Laying carpet tiles on Wednesday, September 28th and taking up tiles Sunday, October 2nd.
  • Day of (October 1) parking lot attendants, baked goods, children’s shop, Country Store, Red Apron folks (they assist the crafters), and with easy clean up after the festival. These areas are two hour shifts, unless you want to stay longer.
  • Taking up carpet tiles
November 17 – MUMC 150th Anniversary Celebration – Save the Date!Learn More →