Facilities & Weddings
The Board of Trustees has developed this Facility Policy to provide guidelines for our stewardship of the facilities which God has provided to us for ministering to our congregation and the community at large.
The church, buildings and equipment are tools which are used by the people of God for the work of the Church. They exist for people, for the ministry and witness of the church and the welfare of the community we serve. Our goal is to make the best possible use of all of our facilities. This means that the entire facility is available for use by the entire church; no one group has total control or permanent ownership of a specific room.
To request space (one time or regularly scheduled event) a Facilities Request Form shall be submitted to the church office at least three (3) weeks and no more than 365 days in advance of the activity.
Please use this form to request a space.
Key Policy
Mandarin United Methodist Church (also known as MUMC) has been blessed with facilities built to be used for God’s honor and glory. Coincident with the privilege of using the church buildings to accomplish the Lord’s work is the obligation to ensure that the buildings are properly secure and safe at all times. As stewards of God’s resources, this is the responsibility of all of us. It is for this purpose that a policy to control the distribution of facility keys has been established. Please view our full Key Policy here.
We are delighted that you are considering Mandarin United Methodist Church to be your wedding venue. Our pastors and staff want to help make your wedding a spiritually enriching and joyful event – one you will remember all of your lives.
The pastors of our church will work with you to help you make your wedding a meaningful expression of your commitment to each other and to Christ, and to help you prepare for a lifelong covenant of growth and love.
To schedule your wedding or speak with a pastor, please contact our office. To learn more about Mandarin United Methodist’s wedding policies, click here.