Stephen Ministry

Why a Stephen Minister?

Are you in need of a caring Christian who will confidentially listen, empathize, encourage, pray, and patiently support you as you work though a crisis or difficult time? Have you lost your job? Has a marriage or a friendship grown cold or you’ve lost someone very dear to you?

When there seems to be no one to talk things over with, Stephen Ministers are trained listeners who can keep a secret. Only God, you, and your Stephen Minister know the content of conversations. Call the church office at 904.268.5549 and ask to be put in touch with Stephen Ministry.

Our trained Stephen Ministers are here to meet the needs of those who are dealing with:

          • Illness,
          • Loneliness,
          • Loss of a loved one,
          • Spiritual crisis,
          • Loss of a job, or
          • Other needs.

Stephen Ministry at Mandarin United Methodist

MUMC is a 25-year Stephen Ministry congregation that has trained  more than 100 Stephen Ministers. 

How can I request a Stephen Minister?

Care requests are confidential. Only the Referrals Coordinator will receive your contact information in order to match you with a care giver. If you would like to be connected with a Stephen Minister, please fill out the Stephen Ministry Care Request Form or contact the church office at (904) 268-5549.