Ice Cream Social / Game Night

Enjoy an ice cream social on Monday, July 1st at 6:00 PM in Wesley Hall. Sundaes are $5 per person. We will only be serving ice cream so please plan to eat dinner before joining us.

After some ice cream and fellowship time, we will play The Game of Things (similar to Minority Rules).

SUNDAES FOR SENIORS:  We would also like to offer the opportunity for you to participate in taking an ice cream sundae to one of our homebound church members or one of your neighbors. Please indicate in the registration if you would like to partake in SUNDAES FOR SENIORS. If you do not have someone in mind that you want to take a sundae to, we will match you with a homebound church member in your area.  


Jul 01 2024


6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

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