June 26, 2020 Update

Dear Church Family, 

This past Wednesday, you received a narrative from the Relaunch Team informing you of our plans for the next steps to return to in-person outdoor worship. This narrative also spoke to the relaunch of offsite outside small group opportunities. We thank you for taking the time to read the narrative. 

Today, we are introducing a phased plan developed by the Relaunch Team. In this phased plan, you will notice that we will be moving through four phases. There are no specific dates to this plan as we do not know what each phase will bring to our community and church. 

We thank you for participating in the survey that was distributed recently. This phased plan is not inclusive of everything that will be shared. Each phase will add specific details as we move into that particular phase. 

The Relaunch team has been intentional in its research and in its consulting with The Florida Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church (FLUMC)*,  the CDC, the St. Johns County School District, and in consultation with medical, liability, sanitization, & risk management professionals. 

Our desire is to create a sacred space where we do no harm. Doing no harm is foundational to our approach as we create a safe and welcoming environment that keeps the protection of all people in mind. We thank you for your continued patience as we journey through this uncharted water together. Our prayer is for a safe return for all of God’s people. 

With grace and peace in Christ,

Pastors Will Wold, Jeff St. Clair & The Mandarin/Longleaf Relaunch Team


*Our Reopening Committee is following the FLUMC Guidelines while working on how to open Longleaf and Mandarin UMC campuses for in-person worship. You can read the guidelines HERE.


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