Children's Ministry

Nursery + Preschool

(Birth-Pre-K) Our nursery provides a safe, clean, and loving environment for your baby during our services. We are ready to help your little one grow and learn!

Elementary School

(Kindergarten-5th Grade) Your children will build friendships, have fun and learn about Jesus’ love for them through creative lessons, games, and songs. Your child’s safety is ensured through a check-in/out system and dependable, background-checked leaders. Our goal is that your child will leave every week knowing Jesus loves them, we believe in them, and that church can be fun.

Get Connected

Sunday Mornings

We believe that children are a vital part of our community and we are committed to providing a safe and engaging environment for them to learn and grow in their faith. We invite you to join us for a fun-filled and meaningful Sunday morning experience.

Wednesday Nights

We understand that weekdays can be busy and we want to provide a space where children can take a break and focus on their faith. We invite you to join us for a midweek experience that will leave your child feeling energized and excited about their faith journey.

Exciting Events

We offer a variety of exciting events throughout the year that are designed to bring children together in fellowship and help them deepen their relationship with God. From hang out days, volunteer Parent’s Night Out, camps, and seasonal events, there’s always something going on!

Sunday Mornings

We believe that children are a vital part of our community and we are committed to providing a safe and engaging environment for them to learn and grow in their faith. We invite you to join us for a fun-filled and meaningful Sunday morning experience.

  • Childcare with lesson available during 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 11:00 AM hours for birth-PreK.
  • Bible Story and Activity Time offered to elementary-aged children during 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM services. Children start and end with you in service. We will call them to join us prior to the sermon.
  • Sunday School offered to elementary-aged children during the 10:00 AM hour.
  • Junior Youth (4th and 5th grade) meets most Sundays, 12:00-2:30 PM

Wednesday Nights

Join us from August to May for Wednesday Nights! We understand that weekdays can be busy and we want to provide a space where children can take a break and focus on their faith. We invite you to join us for a midweek experience that will leave your child feeling energized and excited about their faith journey with elementary group activities and choir practice for 3 yr old and up. Childcare is also available for Birth-PreK children whose parents are attending a class.

What are the Children Learning?

In Children’s Ministry, each month offers a new and exciting faith focus, taught through engaging activities and age-appropriate lessons. Throughout May our children will focus on Bible stories that teach COMMITMENT – making a plan and putting it into practice. Commitment is part of God’s nature and how God interacts with us, keeping promises and putting plans into action. God’s commitment to us is just one of the many reasons we can trust God no matter what. And because God’s promises and plans came true in Jesus, we can be with God forever. We reflect God’s character when we make a plan and stick to it. This month, we’ll help kids discover that one of the best plans they can make is to commit to an ongoing relationship with Jesus. We hope they commit to practicing their faith by reading God’s Word, praying to God honestly and consistently, talking about God with others, and living for God in how they show love throughout the everyday.