Procedures for Worship
These are the baselines for In-Person Worship for both the Longleaf and Mandarin Campuses. These are the baselines, or starting points, that are in place on each campus for every worship experience.
Worship Services
Temperatures are taken at the door, of each participant, before entering the building.
Leaders of worship will wear a mask at all times for set up and tear down of the worship space.
Should masks need to be lowered or removed for any time during the set up/tear down process, individuals will be socially distanced from others and then adjust the mask upon completion of the task at hand.
Musicians are 6 ft apart while leading worship and 27 ft away from those attending the service.
Masks are worn at all times unless individuals are actively singing, speaking, or preaching.
If worship leaders are closer than 6ft apart, masks will remain on at all times.
Shared Equipment: Should microphones or instruments be shared during the service, they will be wiped off in order to keep participants safe from contact spread.
Rehearsal Spaces
Rehearsal spaces are based on the availability of the calendar.
Rehearsal spaces are wiped down after a scheduled rehearsal if this is shared space. If the space is not a shared space, the room is unused for 24 hours.
Temperatures are taken at the door, of each participant, before entering the building.
Masks should be worn at all times in practice unless participants are actively singing.
Special Note
The lack of symptoms is a requirement for participation in preparing or leading worship.
It is important to know that these are the baselines being met, however, worship spaces allow for different set ups. Due to the space of the worship area, you may see more individuals leading depending on the type of service. This is done under the direction of the Worship leader and with these baselines being met. Services are designed based on logistics of space, availability of volunteers and comfort level of those leading worship.
There are medical conditions that wearing a mask for an extended period of time is difficult. Individuals in this demographic will be directed to maintain distance from others when they cannot wear a mask. This will be followed in accordance with the CDC requirements based on medical restrictions.
This is a fluid document which means that as we progress through our 4-stage plan of relaunch, we will amend based on those stages.
These procedures only include preparation & leading of worship. It does not change our current status regarding congregational singing.
Is there still a 25% maximum at each service or is this for full attendance?
Hi Ed!
This is based on our current attendance and may be adjusted as we increase capacity.