December 20, 2020

Phased Plans for Steps Moving Forward or Backward

As mentioned last week, the Mandarin/Longleaf Relaunch Team constantly reassess the effectiveness of our current plan every two weeks. Moving forward among phases should be done gradually, so that we have time to accurately assess the impact of any changes made.
We are required to follow mandates from the federal government, state of Florida, and The Florida Annual Conference of the UMC. Longleaf Church also follows the guidelines and expectations of the St. Johns County School District and Freedom Crossing Academy.
If improving conditions allow for increased campus usage:
(Mandarin Campus)
  • First floor areas will be available throughout the week for all ministries of the church.
  • Second floor FLC classrooms may be used. Elevators are limited to one person at a time unless they live in the same house. People using stairwells must maintain a 6’ distance between each other and stairwell doors be propped open.
  • Two events can be held in a day in large, open areas: Sanctuary, Worship Center, Gathering Area, Wesley Hall, Kasey Mogle, and the Gym. Events must be at least 4 hours apart, all contact points must be disinfected in the room and nearby bathrooms, and different seating from the prior event must be used.
(Both Campuses)
  • All groups required to check temperatures and maintain a list of attendees for contact tracing.
If a move toward a less risky environment is required:
(Both Campuses)
  • Events are limited to worship-related activities and are held only in large, open areas.
  • Event length limited to one hour.
  • Participants are to remain seated unless entering/exiting the building.
  • Staff to work from home unless on-campus presence required. Shared spaces should be avoided when on campus.
  • Activities must maintain a 6’ distance between participants.
  • Bathrooms available. Touch points must be disinfected after every event.
  • Prepackaged food and drinks may be served.
Again, thank you for your incredible work in making this a safe place for all people to worship, learn, and grow.

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