
Florida United Methodist Children’s Home

Regional | Giving

The Florida United Methodist Children’s Home, located in Enterprise, Florida, is a Christ-centered organization that believes in family, unconditional love and holistic healing and is committed to faith, advocacy, integrity, and respect. 

They ensure the children who reside with them get good medical care, nourishing food, proper clothes and education. They give them counseling, lots of love, attention and a positive lifestyle. They help them develop their skills. And they work hard to share with them a childhood that’s as normal as possible under very difficult circumstances. But the most important thing they give them is hope: they teach them about Jesus Christ and how He died for them so that they may have Everlasting Life. In short, they provide for their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. 

We support the FLUMCH through offertory giving. Annually, we take a trip to visit the main campus in Enterprise

November 17 – MUMC 150th Anniversary Celebration – Save the Date!Learn More →